Records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, Baptisms From 1696 To 1772
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Zoek in Records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, Baptisms From 1696 To 1772
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Records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Port Richmond, Staten Island, Baptisms From 1696 To 1772
345 gegevens
Records of the Dutch Reformed Church of Port Richmond, S.I., Baptisms From 1696 To 1772: United Brethren Congregation, Commonly Called Moravian Church, S.I., Births and Baptisms: 1749 To 1853, Marriages: 1764 To 1863, Deaths and Burials: 1758 To 1828: St.<br><br> Andrew&apos;s Church, Richmond, S.I., Births and Baptisms From 1752 To 1795, Marriages From 1754 To 1808. with Portrait of Rev. Melatiah Everett Dwight . Ed. Wright, Tobias Alexander, ed. (1909)
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