Remco Neerhof Family Tree

Welkom op Remco Neerhof Family Tree

Hi, my name is Remco Neerhof. My father was born in January 1945, during the last months of WW2 in the town of Aalten, Netherlands which was still occupied by the Germans at the time. At the time of his birth, his mother (my grandma) wasn't married, and my dad never got to know who his biological father was.It might have been a fellow townsman, or a (German/allied?) soldier, we don't know. His family never spoke of it (the subject was taboo) and anyone who knew probably passed away by now. My father got the surname 'Neerhof' from his stepfather, who his mother married when he was about 5 years old.I hope DNA matching and genealogical research will someday shed some light on my paternal ancestry.If you have any information or questions, please contact me! 

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